How do the crystals work and why is there no liquid in the device?

How do the crystals work?
The crystals absorb the excess moisture in the environment until an optimum level of humidity is reached (40-60%). Therefore, it is possible that the crystal has initially turned into a compact mass and that’s why there is no liquid accumulating at the bottom of the moisture absorber. After the crystals have absorbed enough moisture, liquid will accumulate at the bottom of the device. However, this process can take weeks.
For this reason, if there is no liquid at the bottom of the container after a few days or weeks and if the crystals have only solidified, that does not mean that the dehumidifier does not work. The crystals have absorbed the moisture and need more time to allow the liquid to drip into the bottom of the device.
What factors affect how long it takes for the moisture to accumulate in the collection container?
-It depends on the humidity of the room. If the humidity is very high, it will be absorbed much quicker than if the humidity is only slightly higher than the optimum level.
-It depends on the temperature of the room. If the room is hot, the humidity will be absorbed faster by the crystals than if the room is cold.
-If you have been using the dehumidifier in your house for a long time, it is possible that the optimum level of humidity has been reached, and therefore, the dehumidifier only needs to absorb small quantities of moisture.
When you use the dehumidifier, it can take weeks for the effects to be visible and for you to see liquid in the container. Therefore, do not worry if you do not see liquid in the device at the beginning. This is normal and does not mean that it is not working correctly.
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