What is calcium chloride used for?

Calcium chloride is used in many ways in the world around us. For example, it is used in the industrial sector as a way to make concrete mixtures dry more quickly. It is also commonly found in plastics, and in swimming pools it is used to keep the pH of the water stable and to adjust water hardness.
Calcium chloride is also used in medicine. It is a compound given to patients suffering from a lack of mineral salts and it is found in injections used for certain types of heart conditions, for cases of magnesium sulfate poisoning, and as a substitute for adrenaline in cases of cardiac arrest.
In fact, there are so many applications for calcium chloride in our everyday lives that it is even a common ingredient in the foods we eat. Do you know how the famous culinary spherifications are made? Combining calcium chloride with algin sets off a chemical process that results in creation of those amazing gelatinous spheres. It is also an element used in cheese production, since it improves the consistency of the calcium in pasteurized milk, and when beer is brewed, it is used to lower the pH of the water and improve the fermentation process.
Are you surprised? The ways in which calcium chloride is used are both numerous and highly diverse. At HUMYDRY, calcium chloride plays a starring role in many of our products. This is because calcium chloride has hygroscopic qualities that give it the ability to absorb moisture from the surrounding air.
There are other types of desiccants such as silica gel, but none of them are as intelligent as calcium chloride, which will absorb excessive moisture from the air only until the optimal level is reached. When the ambient humidity reaches levels between 40% and 60%, calcium chloride stops absorbing moisture so the air will not become too dry. This keeps the air inside your home in perfect condition, while preventing the undesirable effects of excessive humidity.
Clearly, calcium chloride plays a much more important role in our everyday lives than we ever could have imagined.
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